North Dakota Books

  • Irene’s Christmas
    The story of my grandmother Irene Hunt and her Christmas as a girl on their North Dakota Farm.
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  • ABC's of American Indians of North Dakota
    An alphabetical guide to American Indian culture, history, and traditions in North Dakota.
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  • north dakota
    An introduction to the town of Makoti, North Dakota, its population, and its proximity to the Three Affiliated Tribes Indian Reservation. Includes background information on L…
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  • American Indians of North Dakota A-Z
    An alphabetical guide to the history, culture, and people of North Dakota, focusing on Native American tribes and their contributions.
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  • ABC's of the North Dakota American Indians
    An alphabet book that introduces various aspects of Native American culture, history, and traditions.
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  • American Indians Of North Dakota
    The story is an informative piece about various aspects of Native American culture and history, presented in an alphabetical format. Each letter corresponds to a different to…
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  • Lisa's Diary
    A girl named Lisa writes in her diary about her 12th birthday, moving to North Dakota, and making new friends.
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  • ABC's of American Indians of North Dakota
    An alphabetical exploration of Native American tribes, culture, and history in North Dakota.
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