Organs Books

  • The Human Body.
    An informative book about the different parts of the human body and their functions.
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  • Organelles of an Animal Cell
    An informative book that compares the different parts of a cell to various organs and systems in the human body.
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  • organ ducks football
    The story discusses the Oregon Ducks football team and their history, including a legendary player. It also includes a conversation about future aspirations.
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  • My Journey Through the Digestive System
    Wendy the Watermelon takes readers on an adventure through the digestive system, teaching medical terminology along the way.
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  • BY Ayaan Garg
    This story provides an overview of the different systems in the human body and their functions. It emphasizes the importance of healthy habits and their impact on our bodies.
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  • The Sense Organs
    An informational text about the different sensory receptors, touch and pressure senses, temperature receptors, pain fibers, taste sensations, photoreceptors, iris, semicircul…
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  • Do Plants Move?
    Plants can move and respond to their environment in unique ways, such as bending towards light or closing flowers at night. They don't have sense organs but can still sense a…
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