Ozone Books

  • Ozone Depletion
    An informative book about ozone, its properties, and its impact on the environment. Encourages readers to take action to protect the ozone layer.
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  • Ozone Joan
    Ozone Joan, a molecule made up of three Oxygen atoms, protects the Earth from the sun's harmful rays with the help of her friends. They reflect the sun's rays away and create…
    People often judge Coronavirus as a risky, deathly illness. But are they really bad to other aspects?
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  • Mario J. Molina
    The biography of Mario J. Molina, a chemist who discovered the role of CFCs in ozone depletion and won the Nobel Prize for it.
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  • Global Warming
    This story discusses global warming, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, consequences of global warming, climate change, carbon footprint, erosion and desertification, acid …
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  • Strongest legendary pokemon
    A description of various legendary Pokémon and their abilities, forms, and relationships.
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  • The Layers of The Atmosphere
    A description of each layer and what they do. i listed the websites i visited in the first page
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  • The Monsterous Mr. Ozone H. & UV
    On the planet of JJEBBY, a giant monster named Mr. OZONE H. and his friend UV terrorize the Jjebbies. The Jjebbies come up with a plan to get rid of the products that give Mr…
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