Paraguay Books

  • christmas in paraguay
    A description of Christmas traditions in Paraguay, including decorations, feasting, beliefs, and food. Includes a recipe for pavlova and a personal family tradition.
  • Julias Adventure in the Museum
    Paraguay and it history culture, beliefs language, food and much more.
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  • All about South America from A to Z
    An informative book about South America, covering various countries, animals, plants, and cultural aspects from A to Z.
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    Arnauinho, a poor boy from Paraguay, overcomes obstacles to become a soccer champion in Aiguafreda and gets promoted to the 2nd Spanish division.
  • Simo Goes to South America
    Simo, a curious boy, explores South America, learning about its countries, landmarks, culture, and geography.
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  • ABC's of Counties
    An alphabetical list of countries and their populations, languages, and capitals.
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  • South America: Countries and Cities
    An alphabetical tour of South America, providing brief descriptions of various countries, cities, landmarks, and geographical features.
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  • South America
    An overview of South America's geography, history, culture, and conflicts.
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