Peacekeeping Books

  • Post-World War Decolonization and Conflict: 1945-1980. United Nations Influence: Peacekeeping
    This book provides an overview of the United Nations' role in peacekeeping after World War II, including its structure, purpose, and key events.
  • How Hans Started World War 2
    A story about the aftermath of a war, the rise of a dictator, and the efforts of Elsa and Olaf to maintain peace.
  • Suez Crisis
    The story provides a historical account of the Suez Crisis in 1956 and its impact on international relations, with a focus on Canada's role and the ethical dimension of peace…
  • NATO
    A brief introduction to NATO, its purpose, and its establishment in 1949.
  • Lester B. Pearson and the Suez Crisis
    A brief overview of the Suez Crisis and its significance, including Canada's involvement and Lester B. Pearson's role.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt
    This book teaches young children about Eleanor Roosevelt and her influential missions to help women, children, American workers, and the world. It covers her life, marriage t…
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  • All About Lebanon
    A student forgets to study for a test on Lebanon but receives help from a knowledgeable friend who provides information about Lebanon's geography, climate, agriculture, popul…
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  • What are the United Nations?
    Little Jimmy learns about the United Nations from his mother before going to bed.
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