Political Science Books

  • No Pets Allowed!
    Arianna finds an egg and it hatches into a dinosaur. She hides it from her mom but eventually tells her and they solve the problem together.
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  • A Lesson from the Magic Ball
    Princess Tahirah saves her magical land from disaster when a witch, troll, and wolf try to change it according to their preferences.
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  • Interest Groups
    Interest Groups for a middle school/high school political science class.
  • If I Were a Congressional Candidate
    Annalise Stafford's journey from a passionate political science student to a congresswoman advocating for the homeless.
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  • First woman Indian Police Service
    The story of Kiran Bedi, the first woman in India to join the officer ranks of the Indian Police Service, her achievements in tennis, education, and her contributions as a so…
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  • Friedrich In Cincinnati
    The story follows Friedrich Mayer, a German immigrant in 1848 America, as he navigates cultural differences, racial inequality, and the political climate.
  • Principles of Government for Kids
    An informational text about popular sovereignty, republicanism, federalism, separation of powers, balance of power, limited government, and individual rights.
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    This book provides a biography of Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computers, his early life, career, and battle with pancreatic cancer.
    by nhai
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