Post-civil War Books

  • ABC's of American History
    An alphabetical guide to key historical events, figures, and concepts in American history, from the abolitionist movement to the Zimmerman Note.
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  • Flashback
    A brief overview of post-Civil War events in the United States, including the gold rush, Homestead Act, Indian Removal Act, Wounded Knee, and African American housing challen…
  • Cattle Queen
    The story of Lizzie Johnson, a talented and accomplished woman known as the 'Cattle Queen' who excelled in driving cattle, teaching, and real estate.
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  • Woodrow Wilson
    The story of Woodrow Wilson, from his birth in Virginia to his presidency and death in Washington, DC.
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  • The Tale of Jeremiah Mittens:
    Jeremiah Mittens, a freed slave, navigates through the post-Civil War era, experiencing progress and setbacks in African American rights.
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  • Station 5: Cities and the Wild Wild West
    A comprehensive overview of post-Civil War America, covering topics such as important figures, conflicts, groups and organizations, society, challenges, reform movements, and…
  • blue ridge mountain
    The story provides a comprehensive overview of the Blue Ridge Mountains, covering its geography, history, flora and fauna, human activities, and cultural significance. It det…
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  • Civil Right's Movement
    A historical account of the Birmingham Campaign, Jim Crow laws, Brown v. Board of Education, Freedom Rides, Children's March, and March on Washington.
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