Practical Activities Books

  • Social Inclusion and Personal Development Best practices ISBN 978-973-0-37400-1 GALAȚI 2022
    This story discusses various topics related to social inclusion and personal development. It covers subjects such as bullying, human trafficking, disability, effective commun…
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  • Stress Relief Cookbook
    This book is a collection of 'recipes' for stress relief, aimed at high school students. It includes practical activities like face masks, meditation, and exercise, as well a…
    This book discusses the importance of theater in education, specifically in secondary schools. It explores the benefits of theater for students' personal and social developme…
  • Book
    A collection of activities and exercises to introduce mindfulness to children, including concepts of mindfulness, mindfulness in the body, mindful attention to breathing, and…
  • ABC Book of Science
    An alphabetical introduction to scientific terms, from acid to zinc. Each letter is accompanied by a definition and explanation of the term.
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  • M o n t e s s o r i W o r k s h o p
    This story discusses practical life exercises that help children gain control in coordinating movements, support intellectual development, and develop dexterity. It emphasize…
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  • Stress and relaxation : Report
    The story is about a student who organizes activities to help classmates reduce stress and improve teamwork.
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  • Erasmus + project
    A project to improve a school's educational quality and international cooperation through teacher training, student activities, and eTwinning projects.
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