Prehistoric Times Books

  • During the Prehistoric Times
    A brief overview of the history of Earth, from Pangea to the Middle Ages, with a focus on the development of humans and civilizations.
  • Dinosaurs
    An informative book about various dinosaurs, their characteristics, and their lives during prehistoric times.
    Explore the lives of dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures, their challenges, and the transition to modern times, all from the perspective of a young author.
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  • Dr. Rex and the Trip Through Time
    Dr. Rex dreams of traveling to the past and encountering various dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures.
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  • How I Learned to Read!
    A young girl shares her journey of learning to read, exploring different worlds through books, and the joy of reading.
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  • The Cretaceous Paleogene Extinction
    The story explores the fossil record, the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, and its impact on Earth's climate and life forms.
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  • Imagination Station: Exploring Dinosaurs!
    Emily takes readers on an imaginative journey to the Jurassic period, where they learn about different dinosaurs and their characteristics.
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  • National History Museum of Moldova
    The National Museum of History of Moldova, established in 1983, preserves and displays artifacts from prehistoric times to the present.
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