Prokaryotes Books

  • 3 Cell types and Cells Theory!
    A brief overview of cell theory, the experiments that led to its development, and the importance of DNA in living organisms.
    An old man named Pauly Prokaryote visits a modern family's high-tech house and feels jealous, but ultimately accepts their differences.
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  • Mitochondrion's Big Adventure
    Many years ago, a young Prokaryote family named Prokaryote lived in a harsh environment. One of the children, Mitochondrion, went on an adventure and became part of Eukaryoti…
  • cell
    An introduction to cell theory and the different components of a cell, including eukaryotes, prokaryotes, organelles, and cell structures.
  • Welcome to a World of... Cells
    A friendly cell introduces the concept of cells, their functions, and the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
  • isaac science kid
    A journey through the cell, exploring its various components and functions in both plant and animal cells.
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  • DNA
    Join Sam and the animals at the DNA Zoo as they explain the process of DNA replication in a fun and educational way.
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  • Early Earth
    This book provides an overview of Earth's history, major events, and four eras: Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. It covers the formation of Earth, evolution of…
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