Puritans Books

  • Puritans for Dummies
    A brief history of the Puritans and their conflict with the Church of England, leading to their migration to America for religious freedom.
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  • Salem Witch Trial
    In 1692 Salem, Massachusetts, a Puritan community is plagued by accusations of witchcraft. The hysteria leads to numerous executions.
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  • Puritans, Pilgrims, and Quackers Oh my!
    A humorous and informative overview of the Pilgrims, Puritans, and Thanksgiving in the 1600s, highlighting their challenges, interactions with Native Americans, and cultural …
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  • ABC Colonial America
    An informative alphabet book that teaches about colonial America, from attire to the Zenger Trial, with accurate historical facts and clear explanations.
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  • The Life of a Puritan
    The story narrates the journey of Puritans from England to the New World, their interactions with the Native Americans, and their struggles in establishing their beliefs.
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  • New England Colonies
    An overview of the New England colonies, their founders, economy, government, and Puritan beliefs.
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  • The New England Colonies
    A brief overview of the New England colonies, their economy, founders, and some historical events.
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  • The Growth Of The 13 Colonies
    A brief overview of the establishment and growth of English settlements in America, leading to the formation of the 13 colonies.
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