Quasi-war Books

  • The War With France
    The Quasi-War, a conflict between America and France in 1798, is explored, including its causes, major events, and impact on American history.
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  • US History ABC Book
    A collection of historical events, figures, and concepts related to the United States, including the 15th Amendment, Bill of Rights, Emancipation Proclamation, and more.
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  • ABC's of American History
    An alphabetical guide to key historical events, figures, and concepts in American history, from the abolitionist movement to the Zimmerman Note.
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  • Induviduals of a New Republic
    A brief overview of the accomplishments and interesting facts about five U.S. presidents: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, James Madison, and Andrew Jackson.
  • ABC's of AP United States History
    An alphabetical guide to important historical events, figures, and concepts in American history.
  • New Republic
    A brief overview of the lives and accomplishments of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, James Madison, and Andrew Jackson.
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  • Individuals of a New Republic
    A brief overview of the presidencies of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, James Madison, and Andrew Jackson.
  • Individuals of a New Republic
    This book provides brief biographies and key events of four US presidents: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, and James Madison. It covers their presidency, major a…
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