Queen Nefertiti Books

  • Ancient Egyptian civilization
    An overview of modern Egypt, its ancient civilization, history, and famous figures. Includes information on pyramids, temples, and Queen Nefertiti.
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    An introduction to Ancient Egypt, including information about the pyramids, pharaohs, gods, mummification, and famous queens.
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  • Story of a Courageous Women Who can Complete Anything
    The story of Nefertiti, an Egyptian queen who defied societal norms and used her voice to make a difference.
  • Ancient Egypt
    A brief overview of the history and culture of Ancient Egypt, including its capital Cairo, pyramids, kings, education, food, celebrations, and famous queens.
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    The story is about the life of an ancient Egyptian queen, her reign, and her accomplishments.
  • A day along the river Nile
    A fun adventure in the world of Ancient Egypt, carried out by 4th graders at school"Giovanni Paolo II" in Piacenza, Italy.
    An engaging experience, integrating History and…
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  • Contributions of Africa
    An overview of early civilizations, natural resources, culture, historical figures, and sports in Africa.
  • Ancient Egypt
    This book provides a detailed overview of Ancient Egypt, covering various periods and aspects such as the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms, the Nile River, Pharaohs, Pyramids, G…
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