Rabbi Books

  • The Story of the Jewish Farmer and the Rabbi
    The Jewish farmer whose house was too small for his family and the shrewd advice he received from the Rabbi.
  • The Adventures of Rabbi Jeff
    Rabbi Jeff teaches about the holiday of Shavuot, its customs, and names. He explains the significance of staying up all night, reading Torah, and eating dairy.
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  • The Golem of Prague
    In Prague, Rabbi Loew creates a clay man called the Golem to protect the Jewish families. But the Golem's desire for more leads to chaos.
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  • Sarah and Ben's Jewish Wedding
    Sarah is getting married and teaches her sister Katie about the elements of a Jewish wedding, from finding a rabbi to the ceremony traditions.
  • Ride the Rainbow to Reach the Letter
    Follow the rainbow to discover words that begin with the letter "R"
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  • ABC: Religions
    A list of terms and definitions related to various religions and beliefs.
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  • Finding Peace
    Rebecca, a Jewish girl, questions traditional gender roles during a family dinner. Her desire to become a rabbi challenges her uncle's expectations.
    Dora and Boots embark on an educational journey with their guide, Nathaniel, to learn about different world religions including Sikhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, and …
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