Rain Forest Books

  • World Changers
    Come along with me to see what it means to be a climate activist and a world changer. Together we can live in a better world.
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  • The Horrible Bearzilla
    Bearzilla is a mean lonely animal. Will he be willing to change his attitude in order to make friends?
    Eye Icon 6534
    Star Icon 192
  • Rain Forest Deforestation
    This informative book discusses the impact of deforestation on rainforests, including global warming, medicinal losses, and species extinction.
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  • Saving the rain forest
    A group of animals in a rainforest fight against deforestation and convince construction workers to leave.
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  • Waldo Gets Lost in the Rain Forest
    Waldo gets lost in a rainforest and learns about abiotic and biotic factors. He encounters various organisms and ecosystems.
    Eye Icon 135
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  • Rain forest Regret
    Two friends go on an adventurous trip to the rainforest to research medicine for Alzheimer's, encountering dangerous animals and plants along the way.
    The story provides information about the importance of rainforests, their role in maintaining global weather patterns, and their impact on oxygen levels and climate.
    Eye Icon 22
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  • Spider Monkeys
    A book about spider monkeys, their habitat, physical characteristics, diet, and behavior. Provides interesting facts and information.
    Eye Icon 585
    Star Icon 7
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