Representation Books

  • Becoming Your True Self By: Ashlyn Huntwork
    A collection of biographies about LGBTQ+ icons, encouraging readers to be true to themselves and providing representation.
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  • Mermaids
    A brief exploration of the existence and cultural significance of mermaids, including their diet, sightings, and representation in media and fashion.
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  • Red Letter Day
    A personal story about the importance of representation and diversity, and how it can inspire and empower individuals.
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  • Taxation with Representation!
    A rhyming story that explains the power of taxation given to Congress by the Constitution and its impact on society.
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  • Picnic at Aceland Zoo
    As a second-year university student in the Bachelor of Child Studies degree program, one of my assignments this semester is to write a children's book with a message about In…
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  • Representation Assignment
    This text contrasts the historical treatment of children, especially Indigenous, with the ideal childhood that emphasizes education and well-being.
  • The Artist's Dilemma
    An article discussing the experience of mixed-race individuals and the importance of celebrating their diverse backgrounds.
  • Interview with Matthew and Sara
    The story discusses the experiences of LGBT students in school, including the challenges they face and the importance of support and representation.
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