Risk Behaviors Books

  • Getting to Know Cancer
    This book explains what cancer is, how it spreads, and how it can be treated. It also provides tips to reduce the risk of cancer and support someone with cancer.
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  • Are Mommy and daddy Getting Along?
    This informative book discusses the issue of Childhood Exposure to Domestic Violence (CEDV), its definition, prevalence, risk factors, and the needs of victims. It also outli…
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  • Personal Health
    The book is a comprehensive guide on maintaining overall health and wellness for teenagers. It covers physical, mental/emotional, and social wellbeing, the influence of lifes…
  • Your Body is Remarkable
    This book explores different aspects of health, including mental, physical, and social health, as well as risk factors and heredity. It emphasizes the importance of taking ca…
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  • Autism!
    A book about autism, its characteristics, statistics, causes, and ways to reduce risk. It emphasizes the uniqueness of individuals with autism and the importance of acceptanc…
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    The story discusses the negative effects of social media on psychological development, including anxiety, depression, and sleep interference.
  • Spider Monkeys
    A book about spider monkeys, their habitat, physical characteristics, diet, and behavior. Provides interesting facts and information.
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  • Don't Juul in School
    This informative text highlights the risks of e-cigarettes and vaping devices, particularly for young people. It emphasizes the addictive nature of nicotine and the potential…
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