Shabbat Books

  • A Lasting Tradition
    Abby celebrates Shabbat with her family, sharing prayers, a meal, and gratitude. As she grows up, she continues the tradition and passes it down to her own family.
    by aj28
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  • Judaism
    An informative book about Judaism, its beliefs, practices, and important holidays like Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Chanukah, Passover, and Shabbat.
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  • Shalom Shabbat!
    A description of the Jewish Sabbath and its traditions, including prayers, meals, and rest.
  • The Power Of Shabbat
    The Levi family, separated by the Russian government, reunites in Israel after 10 years apart through the power of Shabbat.
  • Beit Shammai or Beit Hillel?
    Eliana and Sara discuss the proper order of blessings during Shabbat. They ask Eliana's parents for clarification and learn the correct way to bless the wine and Shabbos.
  • Just what johnny been waiting for
    Johnny learns about the meaning and traditions of Shabbat throughout the week, leading up to a joyful celebration with family and friends.
  • Hebrew Cuisine Through the Years
    This story provides an overview of Jewish cuisine, including kosher food, Shabbat, Passover, and the influence of different cultures on Jewish dishes.
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