Shakespeare Books

  • William Shakespeare
    This is a biography of William Shakespeare, covering his birth, education, marriage, children, career, and death.
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  • A Midsummer Night's Dream
    A retelling of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' where lovers get mixed up, fairies play tricks, and actors put on a hilarious performance.
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  • The Story of Macbeth
    The story of Macbeth, a Scottish general who becomes king with the help of witches but faces consequences for his actions.
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  • The Shakespeare Stealer
    A young boy named Widge, who is mistreated by his masters, is sent to steal a Shakespeare script but ends up finding a new family in the theater.
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  • The Tale of Macbeth
    The story of Macbeth, a Scottish warrior who becomes king after being influenced by witches and his ambitious wife.
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  • William Shakespeare
    Libro realizzato da Julia Silva
    Classe 3^ A Scuola primaria Aldo Moro Seregno
  • William Shakespeare
    This book provides a comprehensive overview of William Shakespeare's life, works, and legacy, highlighting his impact on literature and language.
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  • Romeo and Juliet Forbidden Love
    A retelling of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, where two star-crossed lovers from feuding families fall in love and ultimately meet a tragic end.
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