Sharecroppers Books

  • Loopy the Sharecropper
    This is a great book to teach kids about segregation. Even though you may be different you can still be friends.
  • The troubles of the Carter's
    The Carter family, sharecroppers on a cotton plantation, decide to send their children to an all-white school. They face challenges but ultimately bring positive change.
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  • A True Hero: The Story of Audie Murphy
    The story of Audie L. Murphy, the most decorated U.S. soldier in World War II who later became an actor.
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  • Civil Rights and Reconstruction vocabulary
    This story provides definitions and brief explanations of key terms related to segregation, integration, sit-ins, bilingualism, migrant workers, Jim Crow Laws, Black Codes, s…
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  • ABC's of Jackie Robinson
    The story of Jackie Robinson, an African American baseball player who broke the color barrier and made history in professional sports.
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  • There Once Was A Girl
    The story of Ruby Bridges, a brave girl who integrated an all-white school in the face of adversity and became an inspiration for civil rights.
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  • The New Deal Savior
    Isaac Fairson, a 10-year-old, faces malnutrition during the Great Depression. His family's job loss affects their food supply, but with help from the Federal Surplus Commodit…
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  • Power of Silver Rights Part 2
    A chapter-by-chapter analysis of power and influence in the context of civil rights struggles, focusing on the Carter family's experiences.
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