Social Contract Books

  • Leviathan
    Thomas Hobbes explores the need for government, describing the state of nature and advocating for a social contract monarchy.
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  • Enlightenment ABC's
    A collection of brief descriptions about various historical figures, events, and concepts related to the Enlightenment period in Europe.
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  • Enlightenment Influences on the US Government
    This book explores the influence of Rousseau's Social Contract on the founding of the United States government, focusing on the Declaration of Independence and the Constituti…
  • ABC's of Absolute Monarchy
    An alphabetical journey through historical and philosophical concepts, from Absolute Rule to Zodiac, with brief explanations for each term.
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  • Rousseau's Grand Ideas
    A story about Rousseau's concept of the social contract, where people form a state to end fighting and live harmoniously.
  • 5.2 Preamble Project
    A somewhat disorganized story about the social contract and the Constitution of the United States, with some grammar and spelling errors.
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  • ABC's of The American Revolution
    An alphabetical overview of key people, events, and concepts related to the American Revolution and the founding of the United States.
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  • The Magna Carta and the Mayflower Compact
    The story discusses the Magna Carta and the Mayflower Compact, their historical context, and their influence on the US Constitution.
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