South Carolina Books

  • The Revolution in South Carolina
    A book to teach about the Revolutionary war. If you are a teacher, you might as well start the unit on the Revolutionary war.( If your in South Carolina) Also, you might lea…
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  • When The Darkness Turned Bright
    This book is about South Carolina's electricity; then and now. Narrated by the author, A.B. Berry
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  • South Carolina State Symbols
    A collection of facts about the state of South Carolina, including its flag, seal, motto, symbols, animals, and dances.
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  • South Carolina Secession
    A brief history of South Carolina's reaction to Abraham Lincoln's election and the events leading up to its secession from the union.
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  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • The Day I Lost My Monkey
    A young girl named Courtney goes on a trip to Atlanta with her cousin, loses her stuffed monkey Curious George, but is reunited with him in the end.
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  • The Science Behind Power
    This book explains the history of power distribution and the role of power companies, focusing on the development in England and America. It also discusses the causes of powe…
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  • Nathan Gilleo's Book of Poetry
    A collection of original poems by Nathaniel Gilleo, a student from South Carolina, showcasing his creativity and personal interests.
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