Soybeans Books

    A collection of facts and information about farming, focusing on the history, statistics, and key crops in Iowa.
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    An introduction to Korean culture, including food, holidays, traditions, and modern aspects like K-pop.
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  • The ABCs of Omnivore's Dilemma
    An informative alphabet book that introduces various topics related to agriculture, food production, and sustainability.
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  • Sally and Robin Go to the Grocery Store
    Sally Sweetooth and Robin Realfood go to the grocery store and learn about how to shop for whole, nourishing food.
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  • Super Soy!
    This Is A Story About A Soybean Who Does Some Awesome Stuff
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  • Papaw's Farm
    Two sisters learn about the importance of farming and helping their family by working in the fields and canning vegetables.
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  • Farming in the past, present and future
    A brief overview of farming in the past, present, and future, highlighting changes in technology and methods.
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  • George Washington Carver
    The story of George Washington Carver, a brilliant botanist who developed hundreds of products using peanuts, sweet potatoes, and soybeans.
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