Spanish Colonization Books

  • Redwood City History
    A historical account of Redwood City, from the Ohlone Indians to its present-day bustling downtown.
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  • The Coahuiltecan Indians
    The Coahuiltecan Indians were a nomadic community in South Texas and Northeastern Mexico. They lived in dome-shaped huts, hunted with tools like bows and arrows, and came int…
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  • Summative evaluation History of América
    A brief overview of the settlement and empires in America, including the Clovis, Mayans, Incas, and Aztecs, and the impact of Spanish colonization.
  • San Antonio Found!
    Tony the Turtle tells the history of San Antonio, from its Native American roots to Spanish colonization and the founding of missions.
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  • The story of Gaitana, an indigenous woman who resisted Spanish colonization in Huila, Colombia. She gathered natives to fight against the invaders and was eventually betrayed…
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  • Imperialism in El Salvador
    A brief history of El Salvador, from Spanish colonization to the Salvadoran Civil War and its aftermath.
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  • The San Jose Mission
    A brief overview of the San Jose Mission, its history, and its impact on the local indigenous population.
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  • The Inca Empire
    A young Inca farmer describes daily life, religion, social structure, and the impact of Spanish colonization on the empire.
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