Spanish Conquest Books

    The legend of El Dorado, a city of gold in Colombia, has fascinated people for centuries. Despite many attempts, no one has found it. The legend continues to inspire people t…
  • The golden deer
    During the Spanish conquest, a Portuguese adventurer finds a golden deer in a cave. He is killed before revealing its location, making it a legend.
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  • Aztec
    A brief overview of the Aztec civilization, their religion, city, and eventual conquest by the Spanish.
    I love all sorts of History, so, why not write a book about it. All of these facts are true.
  • A Day in the Life in the Aztec Empire
    The diary entries of an Aztec child during the Spanish conquest of Mexico, expressing fear, confusion, and despair.
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  • Maria Atuhualpa's Diary
    The diary entries of an Inca princess during the Spanish conquest, detailing her observations, fears, and the tragic fate of her empire.
  • Valeria Adoma's Diary
    Valeria Adomas, a young woman living in the Inca Empire, chronicles her life from 1511 to 1572, including the Spanish conquest and destruction of her empire.
  • The Spanish Conquest
    A child learns about the Spanish Conquest from their dad, including the dates, leader, reasons, and consequences.
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