Stripes Books

  • How the Zebra Found His Stripes
    A zebra loses his stripes and goes on a search to find them, asking various animals for help along the way.
    Eye Icon 3927
    Star Icon 35
  • There's A Cat In The Pack
    Meet "Sprout"- A loveable little kitty who warmed his way into the hearts of a friendly family of dogs.
    Eye Icon 16083
    Star Icon 1062
  • Why am I not happy?
    A little tiger who finds out what true happiness is about.
    Eye Icon 25136
    Star Icon 478
  • Savannah and Her Stripes
    A girl who gets bullied learns a valuable lesson that seems to grow.
  • Spots, Dots, and Stripes!
    Little Pip didn't know what to do. His fur was different, and the other mice were mean to him because of it. What will he do?
    Eye Icon 123
    Star Icon 15
  • Doofy the Hippo?
    Doofy does not want to be a hippo any longer. Does he change or accept himself? Maybe both.
    Eye Icon 19122
    Star Icon 340
  • How Tiger Got His Stripes
    Two snow cub twins, Frosty and Pearl, get into a fight with meerkats in the desert. They learn a lesson about fighting and how they got their stripes.
    Eye Icon 48
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  • Ted, a zebra without stripes, faces teasing and self-doubt. With the help of an elephant, he learns to embrace his uniqueness and accept others.
    Eye Icon 86
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