My Published Books (1)

  • Two snow cub twins, Frosty and Pearl, get into a fight with meerkats in the desert. They learn a lesson about fighting and how they got their stripes.
    by suemiller
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My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • A jungle tribe on a tropical island defends against knights with the help of tigers and clever tactics.
    by suemiller
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  • Ryan the friendly tiger and Darth, a vicious tiger, have a confrontation in the jungle. Darth tries to trick the villagers by pretending to be Ryan, but his plan fails when t…
    by suemiller
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  • Three friends, Tiger, Giraffe, and Zebra, want patterns on their fur. They have a race to determine who gets stripes, zig-zags, or spots. Tiger wins and gets his stripes.
    by suemiller
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  • In the Amazon Rainforest, a tiger named Jo and a frog encounter a dangerous jaguar. They escape, but Jo gets poisoned. With the help of a fox, they find a potion to remove th…
    by suemiller
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  • Tony the Tiger, a cheerful character, faces trouble from Meldrum the monkey. With the help of his friends, Tony overcomes the challenges and gains new stripes.
    by suemiller
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  • Jack's dad goes missing, but is found inside a teddy bear. Jack and his mom rush to the science lab to save him using a DNA machine.
    by suemiller
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  • Browny the horse and Sprinkles the Owl stumble upon a magical land through a bush, attend Miss Berrybush's school, and have an exciting adventure.
    by suemiller
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