Structural Racism Books

    An informative text about food insecurity, its causes, effects, and possible solutions, emphasizing the need for wealth redistribution and system change.
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  • Food Insecurity
    The story discusses food insecurity, its causes, and potential solutions, including changing behavior, reducing food waste, addressing climate change, and combating structura…
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    The story explores the concept of food insecurity, its causes, impacts, and potential solutions.
  • Breaking Old Habits
    Matthew, a troubled boy from a broken home, faces challenges in school and ends up in jail. A police officer's advice inspires him to turn his life around and fight against t…
  • Linguists and their important contributions.
    This story discusses the contributions of various linguists, such as Noam Chomsky, Steven Pinker, and Enoch Powell. It explores their theories and ideas about language and it…
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  • The Forgotten Genius
    The scientists who changed the world and helped us in many ways, but not many of us know it. By: Angelina Sattar
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  • DeDemocracy and Human Rights Activist's Book
    Greta Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist who challenges world leaders to take action on climate change. She gained notice for her youth and straightforward speaking…
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