Student Responsibility Books

  • It is Not Your Fault !
    Woody, a young beaver, navigates the challenges of leaving home due to his father's anger. With the help of a frog, bees, and a woodpecker, he learns to manage his emotions a…
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  • Lowell Elementary School History
    This wonderful piece of literature has encapsulated true and mostly true stories of Lowell Elementary School in Waterloo, Iowa. It was painstakingly researched and written by…
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  • Learning About Autism Through Kids
    This short story is about a little boy befriending a classmate with Autism. This books encourages kindness, acceptance and awareness.
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  • Chips the lucky puppy!
    A stray puppy is adopted by a school and becomes the students' responsibility. They find a solution for the summer holidays.
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  • Superpowers
    A teacher helps his students discover their unique superpowers and encourages them to embrace their potential.
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    A story about a school journalism staff and their dedication to producing high-quality publications.
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  • Violet and the classroom of terror
    Violet faces bullying at school but finds friendship with Emma. Together, they promote kindness, leading to a transformation in their classroom and an apology from Max, the b…
  • My Responsibility
    Friends are special and need to be respected. It is very important for everyone to be held responsible of anything that is borrowed and to return the item as soon as you are …
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