Suburbia Books

  • The Twins
    A chaotic space adventure leads to a suburban family adopting two alien children, facing nosy neighbors and the FBI.
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  • Sir James
    A fable about how looks can be deceiving despite first impressions.
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  • Where i'm from
    A poetic reflection on the author's experiences and emotions, from sirens in the night to family dynamics and personal growth.
    A group of cows and their friends face the destruction of their home by suburban development, but eventually find a new place to live in harmony.
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  • Conformity
    Sandra struggles to write an essay about her life but realizes the conformity in her and her classmates' lives.
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  • The Last Carbon 1A
    Connor, a carbon atom, is forced into photosynthesis by weeds. He learns about the process and helps stop the weed's plan to take over.
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