Synthetic Enzymes Books

  • A boys first time in a pharmacy industry
    A boy and his father visit a pharmaceutical industry in Vienna, where the boy learns about enzymes and synthetic enzymes.
  • Biological Molecules
    This book provides definitions and explanations of various chemical elements, compounds, and biomolecules.
  • Vitamins and Minerals
    The story provides detailed information about various vitamins and minerals, their benefits, deficiencies, and recommended daily allowances. It covers Vitamin A, Beta Caroten…
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  • biomolecules
    This book provides definitions and explanations of various chemical elements, compounds, and reactions. It covers topics such as trace elements, molecules, macromolecules, ca…
  • The History of Genetic Engineering
    The story provides a brief overview of Gregor Mendel, the discovery of DNA, genetic engineering, and genetically modified foods.
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  • Macromolecules
    An informative book about various molecules and compounds found in living organisms, including amino acids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and more.
  • Biomolecules-
    This story provides definitions and explanations of various chemical elements, compounds, and biological molecules.
    The story discusses the environmental impact of fabric waste in the fashion industry, including pollution, water consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. It highlights the …
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