Tallinn Books

    Zehra and Derya, Turkish exchange students, travel to Tallinn, Estonia. They explore the city, visit museums, and have a surprise encounter with a Turkish restaurant.
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  • The Devil`s Wedding
    A famous legend from Old Town about a bankrupt hotel owner who witnesses the Devil's Wedding and the consequences that follow.
  • Estonian Song Festival
    The Estonian song festival is a massive choral event held every five years, attracting tens of thousands of singers and a huge audience. It is a cherished tradition that repr…
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  • Do you know where I am from?
    Children from different countries give clues about their countries. Can you guess where they are from? Have fun!
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  • Santa is in trouble...
    Santa and an elf work together to find missing presents and prepare for Christmas.
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  • A Look Around Estonia
    An informative book about Estonia, its culture, landmarks, and traditions, including festivals, food, wildlife, art, and more.
  • Biography of Oskar Luts
    This is a collection of interesting facts about the Estonian writer Oskar Luts, including his education, famous novel, and monuments dedicated to him.
  • Lake Ülemiste
    Lake Ülemiste in Estonia, its mythology, history, and the floods it caused over the years.
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