Teacher Training Books

  • Erasmus + project
    A project to improve a school's educational quality and international cooperation through teacher training, student activities, and eTwinning projects.
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  • The Crazy Quarantine
    First graders wrote about their experience with being quarantined due to Covid 19.
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  • The Wonderful Women of Hingham
    This book is a collection of stories about influential women in Hingham, written by Girl Scout Troop 62447. It highlights the contributions of various women, from school nurs…
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  • My Sister
    "My Sister" is a children's book dedicated addressing the stigma associated with taking prescription medication for mental illness. Please check out the website: https://do…
    The LEGO EPIC ADVENTURES written by the Lego Writing Camp held at Wise Primary 2019.
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    Hero is the story of the first few episodes of MY HERO ACADEMIA
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  • Angel with Evia
    Evia, the owner of a cat named Angel, worries about Angel's reckless behavior. Through various incidents, Evia teaches Angel to be safe and they attend pet training classes t…
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  • Final Reflection
    A reflection on various modules in a teacher training program, discussing changing perspectives and plans for future teaching.
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