Theodora Books

  • Justinian and Theodora
    The story of Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora, their reforms, the creation of the Justinian Code, and religious disputes in Byzantium.
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  • Byzantine Empire
    A brief history of the Byzantine Empire, including its cities, rulers, and influence on early Russians.
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  • The Book of peacocks
    A story about the Byzantine Empire, represented by peacocks, and its transformation under Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora.
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  • Justinian and Theodora
    A collection of historical facts about the Byzantine Empire, including information about Justinian's code, Theodora, the Hippodrome, the Byzantine economy, the Chinese silk t…
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  • Caspian
    Caspian, the son of brave warriors Theodora and Maximus, embarks on a dangerous journey to save a sick princess. Along the way, he learns about love, courage, and true beauty.
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  • Byzantine Empire Storybook
    A brief overview of the Byzantine Empire, its leaders, and its influence on Russia. Mentions important landmarks like Hagia Sophia.
  • The Byzantine Empire
    A brief overview of the Byzantine Empire, including its history, architecture, influential figures, and conflicts.
  • Thedor's friends give him chestnuts for his birthday, and they count them together. Thedor ends up with 14 chestnuts.
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