Trading Blocs Books

  • International Trade
    An introduction to international trade, covering topics such as imports, exports, trade barriers, and trading blocs.
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  • Gerald Ford
    The story of Gerald Ford, the 38th president of the United States, and his role in signing the historic Helsinki Accords during the Cold War.
  • My Life in 7th Grade SS
    This is a historical text covering various periods from the Magna Carta to the modern world. It discusses governments, exploration, colonization, revolutions, wars, and techn…
  • Cold War Presentation
    A chronological account of key events during the Cold War, including World War II, the formation of the United Nations, the Korean War, and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • ABC's of AP World History
    An alphabetical guide to various historical and political terms, from Aristocracy to Zimmerman Telegram.
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