Transcontinental Railroad Books

  • transcontinental railroad
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  • Transcontinental Railroad
    The story discusses the history and construction of the Transcontinental Railroad, including the challenges faced and the impact it had on American society.
  • The Transcontinetal Railroad: Building the Future
    Shane, an Irish immigrant, joins the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad. He faces dangers, makes friends, and overcomes challenges.
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  • The Transcontinental Railroad (For KIDS!)
    A brief history of the construction and impact of the transcontinental railroad in the United States, including its benefits and negative effects on Native Americans.
  • Transcontinental Railroad
    The story describes the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad and its impact on Frisco, Texas.
  • The Transcontinental Railroad
    A brief overview of the transcontinental railroad and its impact on travel, including conflicts with natives and the advantages over covered wagons.
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  • All About The Transcontinental Railroad
    A brief overview of the Transcontinental Railroad and its impact on cattle transportation and the economy.
  • Tracks and Triumphs
    "Tracks and Triumphs" is a historical fiction story, following the Wattsons, a family of homesteaders, Shen Ming Oug, A Chinise workeron the Transcontinental Railroad, and Go…
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