Tundra Books

  • Grandpa, What Did You Do When You Were Little Without A Phone?
    When he was little and before there were mobile phones, grandpa found many ways to live an interesting life.
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  • The Fascinating Tundra
    An informative book about the Tundra biome, its plants, and animals, highlighting their adaptations to the harsh environment.
  • The Tundra Adventure! By: Abhi
    Mike, Jackson, and Kade go to the tundra to study polar bears. Mike gets lost but is eventually found by his friends. They successfully study the polar bears.
  • THE Tundra
    A group of friends go on an adventure to the tundra for a school project, get lost, and are rescued by a helpful stranger.
  • Arctic Foxes
    A brief description of Arctic foxes, including their habitat, physical characteristics, and scientific information.
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    The story provides information about the tundra biome, including its formation, climate, vegetation, and animal adaptations. It highlights the challenges faced by organisms i…
  • The Adventures of Mohan and Elisa - Arctic Tundra
    Two scientists, Mohan and Elisa, go to the tundra to study arctic hares. They face challenges like blizzards but manage to save animals and return safely.
  • The Adventures of Jack And Marshmen
    Jack and his friend Marshmen go on an adventure to the tundra. Uh Oh!! Something is behind them!
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