Vajrayana Books

  • ABC's of Buddhism
    A brief overview of Buddhism, including its key concepts, teachings, and practices.
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  • Buddhism
    this is a class prooject for kids ages 5-6 but anyone is welcome to read this story i also do other stories and am currently creating a sequal to Tord and Tom Past Teen years…
  • Sid the Caterpillar
    A caterpillar prince named Sid embarks on a journey, discovers the concept of suffering, and becomes the Buddha, teaching his wisdom to others.
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  • ABC's of Buddhism
    An alphabetical guide to Buddhism, covering key concepts, figures, and practices.
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  • Religion For Dummies
    This book explores major world religions, their founders, beliefs, and historical timelines, highlighting the significance of each in human history.
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  • World Religions
    This is an informative text about the origins, beliefs, and holy writings of six major religions: Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Confucianism. It inclu…
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  • Buddhism for Kids!
    An introduction to Buddhism, its beliefs, practices, and symbols, including the role of the Dalai Lama and the different branches of Buddhism.
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