Veterans Books

  • Veteran Day Hero
    This is a story that teaches the meaning of a true hero, and gives an example of a hero to the authors life and what they mean to her.
    by mvh
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  • Blood and Sand
    Sgt. Marshall, a war veteran, returns home from Iraq to find his wife in bed with another man. Haunted by the horrors of war and his personal life, he spirals into despair.
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  • Stand Up For What Is Right
    The story tells the tale of the Bonus Army, a group of veterans who lobbied for their wartime bonuses in Washington, D.C. The story highlights their struggles and the impact …
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  • Heroes
    A Veteran's Day project that is dedicated to Ross A. McGinnis
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  • Veterans Day
    A classroom lesson about Veterans Day, including the definition of a veteran, the branches of the military, the history and significance of Veterans Day, and ways to honor ve…
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  • THIS IS US a book about Lydia and Nana
    Lydia and her grandmother, Nana, enjoy various activities together, including reading, puzzles, shopping, and going to Carowinds. They also celebrate Lydia's birthday and wat…
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  • I'm a Veteran
    A soldier returns home from Afghanistan with PTSD and seeks help to overcome his condition and reconnect with his family.
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  • A Woman Changing the World: Dr. Terrie Galanti
    The story of Dr. Terrie Galanti, an engineer, teacher, professor, and veteran, who overcame challenges to become a leader in STEM education.
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