Vigilance Books

  • The New Skeld pt2
    After Nicolas’s betrayal, the crew fell to sadness. While doing a regular exploration, they found a mysterious artifact in a long-forgotten planet. Should they share the arti…
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  • O Captain! My Captain
    A country celebrates the end of a war, but tragedy strikes when the captain is found dead. The story explores denial, mourning, and the importance of staying vigilant.
  • The Tale of Peptidocastle
    In Bacilland, Queen Beta defends Peptidocastle from the Antibiotic Empire's attack with the help of villagers and bacteriophages, learning the importance of vigilance and kno…
  • Traffic Accident
    The story highlights the consequences of traffic accidents caused by lack of safety awareness. An old man and a young boy both suffer injuries due to reckless driving, leadin…
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  • The Cancer Monster
    A story about cells living in harmony on a planet until a monster called Cancer disrupts their order and eats up their food. With the help of technology and friends, they fig…
  • world war 2
    A collection of poems that explore the impact and aftermath of World War II, highlighting the bravery, sacrifice, and resilience of individuals and nations.
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  • About the U.S Flag
    The story explains the history and symbolism of the American flag, including its colors and proper display.
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  • ten feet
    A family survives a nuclear holocaust and seeks shelter in a basement, hoping for a return to normalcy.
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