Vladimir Lenin Books

  • Biography of Vladimir Ilych Lenin
    The story of Vladimir Lenin, an influential Russian politician and revolutionary, from his birth to his death and legacy.
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  • Vladimir Lenin
    This is a book that teaches people about an important part of Russian history.
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  • The Country of Ukraine
    An informative book about Ukraine, its history, culture, and traditions.
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  • Communism Story Book
    A brief history of communism, focusing on its origins in Russia with Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin, and its spread to China with Mao Zedong.
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  • Joseph Stalin
    A brief biography of Vladimir Lenin and the rise to power of Joseph Stalin, including his policies and control over the Soviet Union.
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  • BIG BOOK O' Communism
    A brief overview of key figures and events in the history of communism, including Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, and Joseph Stalin.
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  • Communism
    A brief overview of the key figures and events in the history of communism, including Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, and Joseph Stalin.
    A historical account of the Russian Revolution, from the overthrow of the Tsar to Lenin's rise to power and eventual death.
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