Vulcan Books

  • Legacies of Ancient Rome
    This book explores the legacies of Ancient Rome in architecture, government, and mythology. It also tells the story of Vulcan, the god of fire and volcanoes.
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  • Vulcan and the Lunch Thief
    Vulcan and his friend Shu search for their missing lunches, leading them to their class pet Flame. They come up with a plan to prevent future lunch stealing.
  • Vulcan vs Magnot
    Two jealous gods, Vulcan and Magnot, destroy a city and are sent to the underworld by Zeus, where their hatred creates growing volcanoes.
  • Roman Mythology
    A brief introduction to Roman and Greek mythology, highlighting the main gods and their attributes.
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  • Natural Disasters
    This book provides basic information about natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, blizzards, and volcanoes.
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  • Max and Billy's House
    A detailed map of a house, including bedrooms, cars, cool stuff, utilities, and outdoor areas.
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  • All about Plate
    An informative book about volcanoes, discussing their definition, characteristics, and interesting facts.
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  • Hera's birthday Surprise
    Mercury delivers a birthday present to Hera, but it turns out to be a series of nested boxes. Hera gets increasingly angry and frustrated.
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