Water Demand Books

  • Biomes of the World
    This book provides information about the Chaparral biome, including its climate, plant and animal adaptations, and fun facts.
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  • The History of Thoroughbred Horse Racing in Kentucky
    This book provides a comprehensive history of horse racing in Kentucky, from its origins in Ancient Greece to the present day. It covers key figures, famous horses, and signi…
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  • Oceanography: Marine Biome
    An informative book about the marine biome, covering its location, weather, plants, animals, and human impact. Encourages conservation.
    by zee1
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    A collection of short statements and facts about water scarcity, hygiene, and the importance of clean water. Includes references and a note from the authors.
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  • The environmentalist
    role play 3 in mixed nationalities teams of the etwinning project drop by drop we could save it to the top. Students provide solutions for water issues and work out ways to r…
  • Brace for Impact
    Imagine being aboard a jet airliner when, just moments after takeoff, you hear the captain say, "Brace for impact." Looking outside your window, you see the skyline of New Yo…
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  • The Health Triangle
    A comprehensive guide to the three main elements of health: physical, mental/emotional, and social. Each chapter provides detailed information and tips on how to maintain a b…
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  • The Haunted Pirate Ship
    A group of pirates embark on a treasure hunt, facing challenges and supernatural encounters along the way.
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