Aboulkasem Chabbi School
Tunus, kuru iklim ve küresel ısınma etkileriyle sertleşen gerçek bir su kıtlığı sorunuyla karşı karşıya. Ancak, suyun kırsal ve kentsel alanlar arasında eşit dağılımını sağlamak için birçok çaba harcandı. Tunus'ta yağmur suyunu korumanın en iyi yollarından biri barajlar inşa etmektir.
The Tunisian government has made significant efforts since independence in 1956 to mobilize water resources by building large and small dams, reservoirs, transfer pipelines, river defence works, drinking water treatment stations, wastewater treatment stations and water desalination stations, agricultural drainage systems and so on the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, to the extent that water infrastructure covers almost the whole country.
Dams and aqueducts:
Traditional water collection has been practised across the country from the Berbers, Carthaginians and Romans (Zaghouan aqueduct, water temple) through the Islamic period (Aghlabit cisterns) to contemporary water-harvesting and storage structures (meskat, jessour, hillside and large dams, water and soil conservation etc.).
Traditional rainwater harvesting structures are classified into three major groups: (1) the meskat system, used for runoff water harvesting in the central (Sahel) region
The long slope water harvesting system is called tabia, whereas harvesting from an external macro-catchment is called mgoud; and (3) a cistern called a fesquia or majel, used across Tunisia to provide drinking water for people and animals as well as water for small irrigation purposes by collecting and storing runoff water in reservoirs of varying capacities.
Bani Mtir dam. AinDarahem
Carthage aqueduct
Traditional water harvesting structure
Al agalebah Cistern
Other measures were implemented such as: the integrated management of the resources, the use of groundwater during periods of drought, the recharge of groundwater to face problems of overdraft and degradation, and the use of treated waste water and brackish water
Alexandru Stefulescu school , Romania
• 97.8 % of the Romanian surface is included in the Danube River Basin
• 30% of the Danube River Basin belongs to Romania
Danube is the most important theoretical water resource for Romania Danube is very important resource from the environmental point of view mainly for the Danube Delta
Action Plan for Water Scarcity and Drought
• Strengthening institutional framework
• Improving legislative framework
• Developing a long term strategy
• Increase research and development activities
• Establishing and implement adaptation measures
Establishment and implementation of the adaptation measures
• Afforestation
• Extensions and rehabilitation of the water supply networks
• Modernization of the irrigation systems
• Rehabilitation of the wetland areas
• Developing new water sources (wells)
• Improving waste water treatment
Water management – issues to be solved (1)
-Increased water sources in critical in punctual critical areas:, (e.g. Busteni, Sinaia,Comarnic, Breaza, Baicoi, Ploiesti, Platforma Cotmeana )
- Improvement of the water supply, sewerage and water treatments systems infrastructure
- Extension of the district water supply and sewerage systems in rural localities
- Improvement of the water quality by reduction of the pollution caused by hazardous substances discharged into the aquatic environment
Water management – issues to be solved (2)
- Flood effects mitigation
- Drought effects mitigation
- Control of torrents, soil erosion and land degradation
-Use of water power potential level
-Protection of the Black Sea coast against erosion and beach rehabilitation
Zespół Szkół
Techniczno-Zawodowych Poland
Water Resources in Poland
Poland is classified as a country of low water resources. The size of Poland’s water resources depends mainly on climatic conditions, which are variable.
Inland surface waters are directly supplied by precipitation and indirectly by meltwaters. The most important elements of the water network in Poland are: rivers, lakes, ponds, underground waters, man-made reservoirs and canals.
Poland is located almost entirely in the Baltic Sea basin (99.7% of the country’s area). Among others, it includes the basins of the largest rivers: the Vistula and the Oder.
The outflow of the Vistula and Odra basins determines the size of Poland’s water resources.
Photo: Porąbka Dam
Water scarcity and drought
Poland is one of the countries of Europe with the smallest water resources per capita (3 times less than the average in Europe)
Water shortage may have far-reaching consequences. In the last few years, Poland has experienced meteorological droughts, which have contributed to water shortages across most of its territory. Reduced flow in rivers and streams may increase the concentration of harmful pollutants.
Action plan for water scarcity and drought
The main national strategies regarding the climate adaptation actions in Poland is "Polish National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change by 2020 with the perspective by 2030” (NAS 2020).
Photo: the biggest retention reservoir Solina Lake and Dam.
The main goals are:
Adaptation of the water management sector to climate change
Build storage and irrigation systems
Introduce small retention
Wetlands, river valleys and spring areas should be taken care of - Poland has to increase the water supply by storing more water in any kind of water retention (in surface water bodies, including man-made reservoirs, in wetlands, in groundwater aquifers, and in the soil) to smooth the temporal water variability.
Gemport Gemlik Anatolian High School
Teacher: İlkay ÖNEN DÜZGÜN
Students: Göknil&Selim

As of March 2021, 191 UNFCCC members are parties to the agreement. There are five UNFCCC member states that have not ratified the agreement: Eritrea ,Iran ,Iraq ,
Libya and Yemen . The biggest emission source among these five countries is Iran, which is in the top 20.
A new era in climate policy is beginning in Turkey after it ratified the Paris Agreement, according to a joint statement released on Thursday by 15 environmental groups in the country.
Turkey is expected to set new targets and prepare action plans for emissions reduction after it became one of the 191 countries that ratified the deal on Wednesday to contribute to global efforts against climate change.

One of the topics that we have heard frequently on news channels lately is the decrease in the water level in dams. This news makes many people be more sensitive aboutP water consumption. But in fact, water conservation is an application that we should do not only when there is little water in the dams, but also in every period of our lives. Because in fact, our resources are limited on the planet we live in!
Here are some of the things you can do to reduce water consumption:
* You can replace broken faucets and reduce water consumption by purchasing energy-saving showers and taps.
* It is very important to turn off the tap while brushing your teeth and shaving.
* Shortening the shower time is also among the ways to reduce water consumption.
* You can reduce the amount of water used by getting help from garden irrigation products. In addition, you may want to consider watering the plants in the house with water in which you boil eggs or vegetables.
* Running the dishwasher and washing machines at full capacity and choosing Eco programs can also be an important step in saving water.

KYOTO PROTOCOL The Kyoto Protocol is the only international framework for tackling global warming and climate change. It was signed within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Countries that have signed this protocol have pledged to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases, or to increase their rights through carbon trading if they are unable to do so. The protocol requires countries to reduce the amount of carbon they emit to the atmosphere to 1990 levels. The protocol, which was signed in 1997, came into force in 2005. Because, in order for the protocol to enter into force, the emissions of the ratifying countries in 1990 (the amountof carbon they released into the atmosphere) had to reach 55% of the total emissions on earth, and this rate could only be reached at the end of 8 years with the participation of Russia.
Accession to the Kyoto Protocol: Asian Countries Signing the Kyoto Protocol - Turkey - Iran - Japan - Vietnam - Iraq - Georgia - Mongolia - Nepal The Kyoto Protocol currently covers 160 countries on earth and more than 55% of greenhouse gas emissions. The measures that will come into effect with the Kyoto Protocol require expensive investments. According to the contract; * The amount of greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere will be reduced to 5%, * Legislation to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases originating from industry, motor vehicles and heating will be rearranged, * Heating with less energy, traveling long distances with less energy-consuming vehicles, placing less energy-consuming technology systems in the industry will be ensured, environmentalism will be the basic principle in transportation and garbage storage, * In order to reduce the rate of methane and carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, alternative energy sources will be directed, * For example, bio diesel fuel will be used instead of fossil fuels, * Waste processes will
be rearranged in enterprises that consume high energy such as cement, iron-steel and lime factories, * Systems and technologies that emit less carbon in thermal power plants will be put into use, * Solar energy will be paved the way, since nuclear energy is carbon zero, this energy will be brought to the fore in the world, * Those who consume more fuel and produce more carbon will be taxed more.

Teacher: Emine ŞEN YİĞİT
Counry: North America
Drinking Water Becomes a National Priority in the Water Crisis USA
The United States has been associated with water-related disasters in the last 20 years.
The eastern part of the country is plagued by frequent hurricanes and floods.
While commemorated, the west of the country suffered from drought and forest fires.
suffers. Out of the country's 204 agricultural basins 83 of them are experiencing water shortage.
water shortage in 2050 It is estimated that the number of watersheds will increase to 96.
2050 in 40 of the country's 50 states
It is expected that the water shortage will increase until the next year.
In August 2021, some of the country's southwestern states
water in parts of the country due to the excessive decrease in resources.
cuts and savings measures were initiated.
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Aboulkasem Chabbi School
Tunus, kuru iklim ve küresel ısınma etkileriyle sertleşen gerçek bir su kıtlığı sorunuyla karşı karşıya. Ancak, suyun kırsal ve kentsel alanlar arasında eşit dağılımını sağlamak için birçok çaba harcandı. Tunus'ta yağmur suyunu korumanın en iyi yollarından biri barajlar inşa etmektir.
The Tunisian government has made significant efforts since independence in 1956 to mobilize water resources by building large and small dams, reservoirs, transfer pipelines, river defence works, drinking water treatment stations, wastewater treatment stations and water desalination stations, agricultural drainage systems and so on the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, to the extent that water infrastructure covers almost the whole country.
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