Weight Management Books

  • healthy life style
    The story provides information about what a healthy lifestyle entails, including healthy eating, physical activity, weight management, and stress management. It also offers 8…
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  • changes during puberty
    A brief explanation of physical changes, weight management, social behavior, mood swings, and personal growth during puberty.
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  • Perfect body hacks
    A book about BMI, weight management, and healthy habits. Two students, Ghadeer and Sheikha, work on a project together.
  • 6 ways to maintain ideal body weight
    Tips for maintaining an ideal body weight during the holiday season, including portion control, prioritizing protein and vegetables, avoiding soda, preparing your own dessert…
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  • Though a Type One diabetic cannot stop the onset of his or her disease, the related stigma influences outsiders to believe that diabetes is the diabetic’s fault. The negative…
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  • PE project How to be fit
    A guide to achieving a healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise, and rest, with tips on water intake, physical activity, plant-based diet, healthy fats, whole grains, relatio…
  • Waste Wise By Huia Faulkner
    An informative book about waste management, its impact on the environment, and ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle. It emphasizes the importance of proper waste disposal and p…
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  • ABC's of Fruits and Vegetables
    This is an informative book that provides detailed information about various fruits and vegetables from A to Z. Each letter of the alphabet represents a different fruit or ve…
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