Wheel Of Dharma Books

  • ABC's of Buddhism
    A brief overview of Buddhism, including its key concepts, teachings, and practices.
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  • Crossing Paths with Little Learner
    A detective in a small town receives a mysterious letter that causes them to lose their ability to speak. They embark on a journey to solve the curse and encounter various ch…
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  • Buddhism for Beginners
    The story of Siddhartha Gautama, a wealthy prince who became the Buddha and founded Buddhism, his teachings, and the practices of Buddhists around the world.
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  • Mr. Vaughts Yearly Lesson Plan
    Aaron the monkey and his friends embark on a journey, encountering different cultures, governments, and historical periods along the way.
  • All About Budhism
    An introduction to Buddhism, including its practices, key figures, celebrations, and symbols.
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  • What you need to know about Buddhism!
    This book provides an overview of the origin, practice, beliefs, and traditions of Buddhism, as well as information about its holy book and the life of Prince Siddhartha.
  • A Class Trip through World religions
    A children's book that teaches the beliefs of five different religions!
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  • Cinderella & Fairy Godmother WorldReligions
    Cinderella learns about different religions from her princess friends, gaining knowledge and appreciation for diversity.
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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