Whooping Cough Books

  • Health and Disease during the age of exploration
    This book explores the impact of diseases during the age of exploration, including smallpox, whooping cough, and chickenpox.
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  • Pertussis: The Whooping Cough
    A book about pertussis, its effects, and prevention methods.
  • The strange cough
    Two girls in a village drink an evil potion, get sick with whooping cough, and are cured by a doctor. The witch apologizes and leaves.
  • Captain Coo's Journey to Health Island
    Captain Coo travels to Health Island, helping animals with various medical conditions. He educates readers on symptoms, prevention, and treatment.
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  • Illness and Infection Prevention
    This informative book provides information on how to prevent the spread of germs and infectious diseases in early childhood centers, including tips on hand hygiene, cleaning,…
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  • Africa ABC Book
    An alphabetical exploration of various aspects of Africa, including history, geography, culture, and wildlife.
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  • A Little Walk through Science and Vaccines
    An informative book about the importance of vaccines, how they work, and tips for staying healthy. Includes examples of compound sentences.
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    An overview of the field of pediatrics, including its focus on the health of infants, children, and adolescents, as well as various medical conditions and treatments.
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