Writing Process Books

  • The Writing Process
    This book explains the importance of the writing process and provides step-by-step instructions on how to brainstorm, research, draft, revise, and edit a paper.
  • writing process
    A guide to the writing process, including steps and strategies for improving writing skills.
  • The Writing Process
    This informative text explains the writing process, including its steps and techniques for improvement.
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  • Interview with Charles Dickens
    A conversation between a student and Charles Dickens about his books, themes, characters, and writing process.
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  • Build A Book
    A lesson plan for 3rd graders to create a book using the writing process, technology applications, and creativity.
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  • Writing Process
    A student learns about the writing process with the help of a superhero. They discover the steps of prewriting, writing, revising, editing, and publishing.
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  • The Writing Process.
    An overview of the writing process and strategies to improve writing, including planning, drafting, revising, editing, and evaluating.
  • If You Give a Girl a Pencil
    Phylicia, a fourth-grade student, faces challenges at her new school but discovers her passion for writing and gains confidence in herself.
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