Misty, a narwhal, embarks on an adventurous journey to find treasure after being born under a full moon. Along the way, she meets new friends and overcomes challenges.
WCUE PLAYERS! PLEASE READ! I think you will really enjoy this book! also comment if you like the morphs ;)! by the way, if you don't understand some words, like tom or she-cat, feel free to search it up on the web!
Annah Duhon introduces herself, sharing her age, hobbies, travels, and favorite things. She also talks about her love for art, dragons, and her plans for the future.
A group of dogs discuss their favorite states of matter and the benefits of each. They have different opinions but all appreciate the unique qualities of solids, liquids, and gases.
Mario encounters a mysterious black goo, gets transported to Fur Step Island, and teams up with Bowser Jr. to defeat Fury Bowser and restore light to the island.