My Public / Unpublished Books (13)

  • A step-by-step guide on how to handle stress, including tips on time management, decision-making, and communication.
    by Kushaal SaiYedugundla
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  • About cars.
    by Kushaal SaiYedugundla
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  • A boy named Ryan finds a magic pencil that helps him with his homework, but he learns the importance of honesty when he uses it to cheat on an exam.
    by Kushaal SaiYedugundla
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  • A boy named Kittu befriends a toy named Chitti, who turns out to be an alien. They have adventures together and become friends forever.
    by Kushaal SaiYedugundla
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  • by Kushaal SaiYedugundla
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  • An informational book about mountains, including their formation, facts, and examples of mountains in India and Australia.
    by Kushaal SaiYedugundla
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  • by Kushaal SaiYedugundla
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  • A monster and a dinosaur cause chaos in a kingdom, but the animals find a way to protect themselves.
    by Kushaal SaiYedugundla
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  • Liam finds a magical pot that duplicates items. His wife accidentally falls into the pot and becomes two, causing conflict in their relationship.
    by Kushaal SaiYedugundla
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  • In the Emely Kingdom of Animals, a dinosaur named Stery is eating all the food. The animals come up with a plan to defeat him and celebrate their victory.
    by Kushaal SaiYedugundla
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  • by Kushaal SaiYedugundla
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  • by Kushaal SaiYedugundla
    Eye Icon 19
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  • by Kushaal SaiYedugundla
    Eye Icon 13
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